Black pepper, acrylic on canvas board 30 x 22 cm |
I have been having fun, painting almost every day since Christmas. I've managed to find at least an hour daily, and this gives me so much satisfaction.
I decided to challenge myself with acrylics and quite liked the results. The opaque paints seem to make things much easier. Although I didn't do any pencil drawing, like I did for the watercolors, the objects came out pretty good. Maybe, just knowing that I can correct mistakes, gives me confidence, and there are no mistakes. Also, painting with acrylics seems much more intuitive. I can paint the objects, as they appear in space, starting from the furthest. Watercolors require a much more abstract view of the scene, in terms of areas of values and colors, instead of objects and planes.
Black pepper, watercolor 30 x 22 cm |
Still life with onion, acrylic on canvas board 30 x 22 cm |
Vases, watercolor 30 x 22 cm |
Yellow jug, acrylic on canvas 25 x 20 cm |