
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Poppies again...

still very far from what I would have liked, but there are a few things I did right...


Lydie said...

Ils sont beaux tes pavots? Continues de t'exercer c'est ainsi que l'on progresse. Essaie de varier les rouges, prends différents tubes de couleurs, dans une prochaine version, juste pour voir. Bises

Judy said...

I like them! They are difficult flowers to paint and you captured the tissue-like petals very well! It's all learning and that is great!

Blaga said...

Merci Lydie! Certaines fleurs sont un peu meurtri, mais des nouvelles se sont ouvertes aussi. Je vais essayer de plus de variations de couleurs.

Thank you Judy. "Tissue-like" is perfect way to describe their texture - i was looking for the right word :) I wish I can be more loose, but that will come with practice.

cathyswatercolors said...

Hi Blaga, Yes the Poppies are right. They are such a difficult flower to paint. I have had zero success with them. Your Poppies have great shape and color. Nice job. What are you trying for?

yasha said...

Hi Blaga,these poppies look so delicate and fresh.Very well done.:)