
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Two portraits

Dreaming, watercolor  38 x 28 cm
These portraits are based on images from magazines that were not entirely the conventional pretty face in an artificial pose. Of course, even I couldn't hide the fact that both women were quite pretty :)

Below is a picture of the enchanted crystal trees we have all through the area. This is the only positive thing about the freezing rain storm on Saturday, which left hundreds of thousands of people without power, heating and hot water for days.


Judy said...

Two fabulous portraits, Blaga! I hope you are ok in this winter weather, stay warm!

Catharina Engberg said...

I agree. The trees are beautyful! And you made two good portraits as well. Happy hollidays!

Merce Ares said...

Hola Blaga: Muy buenos retratos, y que imagen tan invernal!!! Por aqui estamos con 38°C. Felices Fiestas!!!

Blaga said...

Thank you, Judy! We survived three days without heating thanks to a gas fireplace and a camping stove and now for us everything is back to normal. I feel sorry for those whose homes are still cold and dark through the holidays.

Thank you, Catharina! Happy Holidays to you too!

38°C!? I wirsh I were in your place, Mercedes! It's never too hot for me :) Thank you!

Sadami said...

Hi, Blaga, your portraits have mood. Go for it!! Look forward to lots more.
Best wishes, Sadami