
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Sea waves

Sea waves 1, watercolor 40 x 30 cm

Sea waves 2, watercolor 40 x 24 cm
It has been a long pause for me. I was very busy lately, having no physical and mental energy left to paint, but everything has been all right, otherwise. Finally a long weekend and a chance to get beck to the subject of the sea...


Sadami said...

Lovely work, Blaga! Take it easy. Enjoy both long holiday and painting. Best wishes, Sadami

Judy said...

Your waves are spectacular! Good to hear you had some time for painting again. Enjoy your long weekend! Happy Easter!

Catharina Engberg said...

Happy to see your lovely waves again. I like the greenish parts too :) Enjoy your rest. Take it easy.

Jane said...

To me painting the sea is one of the most difficult subjects, to you it seems to come so easy, two excellent paintings !

Merce Ares said...

Hola Blaga: Unas bellas acuarelas acuarelas, representando muy bien el mar y su movimiento. Felicitaciones!!!